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Post Home > Products > Automotive & Marine Lighting > Puddle Lights
Puddle lights, also referred to as ambient lights, are employed to illuminate the immediate surroundings of the vehicle in the dark when the vehicle is being entered or exited. Automotive vehicles are increasingly employing lighting devices such as puddle lamps for enhanced lighting applications. They are often mounted or inserted into the undersides of the door handles or exterior rear view (or side) mirrors so that they correspondingly illuminate the ground underneath. Puddle lamps illuminate a beam of light onto the ground surface in an area close to the vehicle door when the door is to be opened. The puddle lamp thereby provides illumination to a driver or passenger of the vehicle to take note of the area for approaching or stepping out of the vehicle, such as the existence of a puddle of water. Typically, these lamps are activated when the doors are unlocked. The puddle lamp may provide lighting on the ground in the vicinity of the vehicle door to which the side mirror is attached.
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